Report urges govt to take over transport


THE Government has been urged to provide public transport services, especially in urban centres.
Jeremy Goro, a research fellow in the universal basic education research programme at the National Research Institute (NRI), made the call in a report titled “The impact of coronavirus pandemic on access to public transport in PNG”.
Goro said it was important that municipal and local authorities in urban centres provided this service as many people depended on public transport to commute.
“As profit maximisation is not often the goal of Government, government-provided transport has the potential to comply with all the recommendations stipulated by the World Health Organisation and the state of emergency.
State of Emergency Controller David Manning has allowed 25-seater and 30-seater buses to operate on the condition that they carry up to 15 passengers.
Taxis too may continue to operate but with a maximum of two passengers.
Goro also suggested that the Road Transport Authority and Independent Consumer Competition Commission should set a limit on fares.


  • Transport business is very simple business that no foreigners are being engaged in,most PNG people are very good at transport business.Right now you can see many Asians and Indians are taking controll over our small SMEs like operating kai bars and trade store where our local people supposed to operate.They even go further in to our villages and settlements to set up their stores,its like a slap on the face of our very local people.Why government can not come up with some regulations to protect their people,yet they try to push local people out of the SME at all by though of taking over the transport business which is very simple to operate with less competition,please look in to how foreigners are taking reserves business supposed to operate by locals to keep the money circulate in our country yet foreigners drain it out.Lets say they are not investors but they are thieves taking all our monies and resources out and will eventually left us with nothing yet government is try to kill our local people by taking over the transport business….something to think about…

  • Government has already did pay cuts for public servants and teachers salary cuts last year. Now wanted to take over small people’s SME, is this government taking back PNG? Send this government into hell in covid 22.

  • It is about the time PNG Government should step in to provide public transport in such situation (Covid- 19) where people lives are at high risk. Public transport own by citizen were not playing their part to maintain social distancing and other health measures. Love of money leads to destruction and we must not forget that Covid-19 is real and is a killer disease. It can spread and killed Papua New Guineans at large if we don’t listen and follow to simple instruction.

  • It is about the time PNG Government should step in to provide public transport in such situation (Covid- 19) where people lives are at high risk. Public transport own by citizen were not playing their part to maintain social distancing and other health measures. Love of money leads to destruction and we must not forget that Covid-19 is real and is a killer disease. It can spread and killed Papua New Guineans at large if we don’t listen and follow simple instructions.

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