Reporter must respect privacy

Letters, Normal

I REFER to your front page report “Mob attacks Kela-Smith” (Aug 5).
After hearing the first-hand account of the incident from the victim, my family and I were not happy with some of the details reported.
I do not think it is right to exploit the privacy of the people or circumstances by reporters.
To say the deputy administrator suffered serious facial injuries was uncalled for and it caused a lot of heartache for our family and friends around the country.
Some of our friends had to travel from outside the province just to check whether my father was hospitalised.
Your reporter should have reported on the outcome of the election for deputy governor and why the supporters of the losing candidate got riled up.
To report the details of the attack on the governor and the deputy administrator was unnecessary.
If the reporter is not an eyewitness, then he should check his facts first.

Brenda Gimiseve