Respect rule of our law

Letters, Normal

The National, Wednesday 25th January 2012

I FIND it incredible that the O’Neill-backed parliament has gone back to the Supreme Court to seek its opinion yet again.
How many of the court’s opinion have been sought so far and how many of these opinions have practically been carried out during this power struggle?
Are we seeing yet again another political ploy that will only make a mockery of our highest court?
The court had made its ruling on Dec 12 that, proved, only it has the power to declare whether a sit of parliament is vacant. Despite this, the O’Neill faction has claimed legitimacy in their Aug 2 actions, citing “people’s power” and “majority rule”.
If sanity had prevailed, they would have sought the Supreme Court’s opinion on the vacancy issue prior to Aug 2. However, to do that would have raised eyebrows then.
It has taken me a long time to realise their true intention – to wrest power from the legitimate government and to disregard all opinions relating to the rule of law.

Waigani, NCD