Resumption of school risky


THE Covid-19 appears to be gradually increasing in number in PNG and we might be having more positive cases.
The Government’s decision in getting educational institutions to resume looks frightening.
The number of students in each class is still too high to even split into two teaching shifts per day.
The Education Department can look at other options such as resuming classes for grades 6, 8, 10, 12 and final year students at tertiary institutions.
The other classes can continue with other mediums of learning devised by their own schools or the Education Department.
I am sure most parents would not like to risk the health and lives of their children by sending them to schools until they are reassured that schools have effective preventative measures against Covid-19.
Schools should be ready to take total responsibility to have in place personal protective equipment (PPE), hand sanitisers and frequent reminders about social distancing.
Some teaching strategies should need to be reviewed as well.

Martina, Via Email

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