Rita Flynn courts likely to reopen next year


PORT Moresby’s Rita Flynn Netball Courts are likely to be re-opened in March, says National Capital District Governor Powes Parkop.
He said it was still too early to re-open the courts which are used as Port Moresby’s testing and isolation centre for Covid-19 cases.
“I want to see Rita Flynn re-opened but we can’t just ignore Covid-19 because it’s coming in waves in the developed countries so we just have to take the necessary precautions,” Parkop said.
“(We will re-open the courts) perhaps during the first quarter of next year or maybe when we’re confident that we won’t get any more infections and Coivd-19 won’t be a problem for us anymore.
“Covid-19 has affected everyone and sports but we are doing well in terms of our response, infections are very low and we all should be proud of it. We can’t just shut down our response activities in one go.
“I would prefer to keep Rita Flynn as it is for a while and we will reach a time for it to be re-opened.
“When we’ve made an assessment and everyone is confident then we can re-open Rita Flynn.”
The Rita Flynn facilities were closed in April with the indoor courts used as isolation booths for confirmed cases while the outdoor courts were used as testing sites for suspected cases. Netball PNG has since cancelled all its activities in Port Moresby this year.