Rule of law must prevail


THE rule of law definition holds that government powers in Waigani are to be used in accordance with the law rather than the arbitrary will of parliamentarians and their bureaucratic cohorts in government departments, agencies and institutions.
In effect, the rule of law means that no one, even the ruler of a society, is above the law.
Further, it entails that laws are intended to serve the public good rather than private interests.
Elected MPs and all officials in government departments must adhere to the dictates of those laws.
The rule of law is the prerequisite for social justice and peaceful societies. No society can make meaningful progress without adherence to the rule of law.
The rule of law is an instrument for stability, an atmosphere which is a condition precedent for any meaningful development to take place in PNG.
The law and its rule is an instrument fashioned by society for the purpose of achieving harmonious adjustment of human relations by eliminating social tensions and conflicts.
If the rule of law is continuously violated by those in position of authority, the civil society will turn against them and resort to an unrest.

Charles Ifu
Watabung, EHP