Saonu, landowners to meet


MOROBE Governor Ginson Saonu is scheduled to meet three local landowner groups in the Wafi-Golpu mining project area next week.
He will meet with Yanta, Hengambu and Babuaf landowners over two days.
“The purpose is for the provincial government and administration to meet with mining landowners and reaffirm our commitment as the provincial government to the Wafi-Golpu mining landowners and communities” Saonu said.
He urged the landowner association chairmen including Paul Yanam (Hengambu), Genesis Siliwana (Yanta) and organising chairman for Babuaf Steven Judaf to organise the people to meeting areas on the scheduled dates. Saonu will meet with Babuaf communities including Kapumung, Wongkins, Wori and Mazim on Tuesday.
He then will meet Yanta people on Wednesday morning and Hengambu villages in the afternoon.
He said the delegation would comprise officials from provincial administration led by the administrator Bart Ipambonj and the government led by him.
Saonu said the visit had been scheduled for last month but deferred.