School striving despite lack of support

Busamang Primary School graduates (with their teachers and guests in front of a new three-bedroom teacher’s house in Salamaua, Huon Gulf, Morobe, on Friday. – Nationalpic by JACINTA COHLEE

A PRIMARY school in Salamaua local level government (LLG) which has received little funding assistance from the provincial and local governments since its establishment 19 years ago opened a teacher’s house on Friday.
Busamang Primary School head teacher Julian Yatuwi presented the end-of-year school report stating that the school had been operating and graduating students over the years without proper funding and infrastructure assistance. He said the only assistance the school received was three staff houses and two duplex classrooms from the Department of National Planning in 2018.
Yatuwi said the school received K70,582.91 in tuition fee subsidies, K19,881 from the parental fees and the school board fundraised K3,700 to build some needed school infrastructure.
From their school learning improvement plan (Slip) budget, the school administration built a teacher’s house worth K40,000 containing three bedrooms and a dining room which was opened during the school’s 19th graduation ceremony on Friday.
Meanwhile, Yatuwi told the graduates to make use of time and opportunity for a better future.
“For those who will continue further in your studies, do study hard and prosper in life,” he encouraged the graduates.
“Education does not stop here, set your mind and advance.”