Schools no place for criminals


I SAW the pictures on the front page of The National of Thursday, Sept 8, and I was so sorry for the teacher concerned.
At the same time, I was concerned about the behaviour of young children who have a long way to go becoming very violent towards someone who is supposed to be their educator.
What the pictures showed were children aged in the eight to 10 years old category right in the front line of the attack without showing any fear.
The question is: Do their parents ever teach these children that anti-social behaviour in primary school, especially against teachers and fellow students is wrong?
I do not think so.
The other observation is that the front man of the trouble seems to be of the age of students who should now be in secondary school.
I can tell he could be termed “bikpela boi” of the school.
Given these facts, Hohola police must lay criminal charges.
Bayagau, you are not a judge of the courts, you are a law enforcer sworn to protect lives and property, so stop this mediation nonsense.
Schools are not places for breeding criminals, and what I saw is frightening and all efforts must be made to eradicate school violence.
For now, Bayagau, do your police duty and let the lawyers, magistrates, judges etc, decide whether a mediation should take place.
Tired of this primitive behaviour in schools in our nation’s capital.

George Korei