Secondary school students out of control


THERE are massive students disciplinary problems are ongoing ever since at Tusbab Secondary School in Madang town.
The administration is doing nothing to curb down disciplinary problems.
How can students be seeing having liquors in their possession and consuming them in the campus and causing nuisance, harassment and assaulting in and around the campus at times like nobody’s business?
Are there any school rules being spelt out to the students to be abide by and follow? This is ridiculous for secondary school students to doing that.
The government is spending a lot of money on them and yet how funny these sorts of students are going to make it through to help this nation in return.
The school administration must be start thinking about it and resolve this sort of disciplinary problems once and for all and restore back the good image of the school.
If the administration sees students’ disciplinary problems are beyond their intervention, have it refer for police intervention.
Please try working around the clock to bring back the good image of the school.

Very concerned, Via email