Be wary of all these allegations, statements


IT is good education for voters when they read about the National Alliance Party Leader Patrick Pruaitch pulling out of the Government Coalition and accusing the Prime Minister and the Governor of the Bank of PNG of running down the economy of this country. More interestingly in a recent public statement on The National (May 19), Sir Mekere Morauta accusing Prime Minister Peter O’Neill of stealing K1.5 billion from the public purse.
These are very serious allegations and only people with fit and proper characters can come out with these public accusations and stand by it because they fear the worse to come for the people of this country.
On May 22 (The National), Oil Search CEO told us there is more oil on our shores yet to be found and immediately followed by an article from Government saying that the State is planning to borrow additional K1.6 billion from the World Bank.
These articles can be classified as election-related and may confuse many voters.
This is the only time the people can apply their power to make changes for a better Government.
The time has come once again to make that very important choice.

2017 National Election Observer
Moresby North West