Sir Peter’s move a political strategy


I am writing regarding the move by Sir Peter Ipatas to join People National Congress (PNC).
There are two reasons why I considered the move as a Political Balanced Strategy.
The entry of Sir Peter into PNC balances the exiting Patrick Pruaitch (National Alliance), giving PNC a win-win situation to form the next government.
It is a counter strategy for PNC in order to maintain its executive dominance in parliament and indeed Sir Ipatas has degraded the integrity of his own People’s Party (PP) by letting down his 30 intending candidates and the people of Enga.
Also, there is no effective law that regulate or restrict party leaders hopping during the campaign period.
I personally call on the Registrar of Political Party Dr Alphonse Gelu to outline which laws that makes it possible for such a move by our national figures in this crucial period.

Alois Kaluweh
University of Papua New Guinea