Secretary’s suspension


ALLOW me space to comment on the recent news coverage on the attempt by the suspended Secretary for Commerce and Industry Department Andrew Liliura seeking judicial review over his suspension by NEC on allegation of sexual harassment at the work place.
In many ways it all amounts to shameful conducts and for one to seek judicial review is really uncalled for on ethical and code of conduct grounds.
The allegations as reported by the court verdict seems to affirm that it was a repeated sexual harassment case per statements by not one, but several women. This does not leave any grounds on the benefit of the doubt before the courts and that already amounts to misconduct in office and warrants termination for bringing disrepute to the public office that one is supposed to be a custodian of.
Taking back PNG starts with termination of such unfit and proper person who were questionably appointed under the previous regime.
Let the criminal proceeding proceed independently and any administrative decisions to be taken immediately by the Marape/Steven government.

Lavender Gib