Security guards can use guns when lives in danger


SECURITY guards carrying guns are only allowed to use them when their lives are in danger, police say.
Acting Lae Met Supt Chief Insp Kiveri Kesambi was commenting on the shooting and wounding of four men by security guards on Wednesday at Bumayong in Lae.
“(Only) when security guards are confronted by armed criminals which put their lives in danger, they could use their guns (to defend themselves),” Kesambi said.
Lae police will discuss this issue with the management of security companies in the city.
“During this incident, security guards from a company in Lae had caused nuisance to vendors at Bumayong.
“In retaliation, people stoned their vehicle,” Kesambi said.
He said the security guards responded by allegedly firing into the crowd.
“It was lucky that a police unit arrived there in time to control the situation and arrest three guards alleged to have (fired the shots),” he said.
Police confiscated two guns allegedly used in the shooting.
Police plan to lay charges after statements are collected and the condition of the four injured men in hospital is confirmed.
Meanwhile, Security Industry Authority (SIA) officers are helping police investigate the incident.
SIA registrar Paul Kingston Isari said the outcome of the investigation would determine what action would be taken against the security guards.
Isari told The National that security companies were bound by the Firearms Act, the Criminal Code Act, Security (Protection) Industries Act 2004 and the Summary offence Act on the use of guns.
“Firearms can be used only by a licensed and permitted persons in self-defence or to protect a life from imminent danger,” Isari said.
“Or for VIP escort and CIT (cash in transit) matters such as escorting money for clients to and from banks.”
Isari said in the Bumayong incident, the guards were alleged to be under influence of alcohol.


  • Another bunch of drop outs. Cant Write Speak or Read english. Answer give them firearms and send them out into the public. Acting Lae Met Supt Chief Insp Kiveri Kesambi you must lon long or!

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