Semifinals for Southern Besta Cup start today after decision to postpone


THE semifinals for the Southern Besta Cup are scheduled for today after a decision by the host association to postpone matches from yesterday.
Koupa Soccer Association president Morea Vavine said limited preparation for teams and players had forced the deferral of the finals, which were supposed to have been played yesterday.
“Due to time factor and players just completing their round-robin matches today (yesterday), they can’t go into the semifinals right away,” he said. “The players are tired and injured so we deferred.” Vavine said there would be no grand finals with the semifinal winners going on to represent the region at the Besta Cup.
The men’s semifinals tomorrow will see both teams from NCD Public Servants Soccer Association (NCDPSSA) take on Port Moresby Soccer Association (PMSA) and Rigo’s Kareko Dobu.
NCDPSSA Gold will take on PMSA Team One while Kareko Dobu face NCDPSSA Black.
Vavine said 18 men’s and four women’s teams participated in the tournament. “The level of competition in the tournament has been good and the teams who came in from the villages have done well,” he said. “They’ve managed to draw with Moresby teams in some games but overall, the tournament has been competitive.”