Signing of SML13 welcomed

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ENGA Governor Sir Peter Ipatas has welcomed the signing of the Special Mining Lease 13 (SML13) agreement allowing the New Porgera mine to open, calling it an “answered prayer”.
“I want to commend the Government, the State Negotiation Team, the representative of Barrick Niugini Ltd, and landowners in Porgera, for ensuring that we can have the New Porgera mine open,” he said.
He thanked all parties for their efforts to finally arrive at a conclusion where PNG and the people of Enga are recognised properly in the SML13.
“I have been involved in this process and I have seen the tireless efforts of all parties,” he said.
“We argued sometimes and other times we agreed on common grounds. (It) was for the good of our people and the economy.”
Sir Peter said Barrick Ltd and Mark Bristow had been in our country for a long time, seen the progress and the struggles of our people”.
“I thank them because for the first time, an agreement recognising the indigenous people of the land was achieved under the leadership of Bristow,” Sir Peter said.
The Porgera Chamber of Commerce and Industry also thanked the State for granting the SML13 licence.
Chamber president Nickson Pakea said it was good news to the business community and people of Porgera after their “long struggle”.
“Even today, all basic services are closed – health and education, banks and businesses (after) the mine closed,” he said.
“This is a welcome news to us. Now the license is with the New Porgera Ltd, paving the way for reopening of the mine.
“The last process is the compensation agreement.
“I encourage New Porgera Ltd to fast track the consultation meetings.”