Sir Julius announces rescheduling of highway opening


New Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan announced yesterday the rescheduling of the grand opening of the Boluminski Highway to April.
The announcement was made after “thoughtful deliberation” and reassessment was made for the safety of the people during the heavy monsoonal season, he said.
“The grand opening which was set for the Feb 27-28 is now rescheduled to April 11-12. We are all preparing and psyched up to celebrate in the biggest show of unity and style but we cannot control the forces of nature – it is beyond you and me,” Sir Julius said.
He said this at the presentation of cheques and payments to church elders and representatives of education institutions and the Australian Doctors International.
Sir Julius said he consulted with the provincial administrator, the organising committee, the technical team on his site inspection of the celebration venue at Bopire plantation and widely with the local people.
It was also clear that the bad weather right across the country, which began in December and forecast by the National Weather Office to end in May, was the other big consideration that had come into play.
“We cannot control the forces of nature, it is beyond you and I,” he said.
“We thought long and hard given the high water levels with continuous rains, strong winds and rains and massive flooding and destruction in the Kandas areas of Konoagil local level goverment in southern New Ireland,” he said.
“The Boluminski Highway is the biggest project highlight in our history as a province and backbone of our development since the colonial era.
“ It is not just a road; it is our channel of development over the past, now and into the future. And it is not just the highway, we will be launching the modern state-of-the-art sporting stadium and the new township of Bopire.”