Sir Julius backs Parkop’s tree-planting initiative


NEW Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan is fully behind the idea mooted by National Capital District Governor Powes Parkop for everyone to plant trees.
“The wave of clear felling by loggers since the 1980s had dealt a severe blow to the nation’s forest resource,” Chan said.
He said it was time to help Mother Nature “regenerate”.
“We will only do ourselves good if we all work together to reforest our countryside,” he said.
“New Ireland is one province that was overrun by loggers on a massive scale, leaving behind a trail of destruction to forest lands and river systems with broken promises of reforestation and agriculture plantings.”
Parkop called on the Government on Friday to declare World Environment Day on June 5 a public holiday to give everyone time off to plant trees.
Sir Julius said: “We derived our identity as subsistence farmers and survived through the generations on the strength and values of our traditional and cultural heritage rooted in our Papa and Mama Graun.
“We have sacrificed a lot in the name of development and it is time that we replenish Earth.”
“I call on all New Irelanders to each plant trees marking World Environment Day as a mark of our confidence to transform New Ireland into a paradise for ourselves and our birds and animals and the insect kingdom.”
He said Environment Day would be celebrated in New Ireland on July 27, which is also New Ireland Day and a public holiday in the province.