SME group hails role of social media in promoting e-commerce


FACEBOOK and other social media platforms have had a considerable impact in promoting e-commerce for small to medium enterprises in recent years, says SME Development Corporation business development services manager Nathan Timo.
He said SMEs made Facebook a convenient medium for their business operations.
“Social media such as Facebook has made a big impact on SMEs in PNG, providing the platforms to promote e-commerce in the digital economy,” Timo said.
“Up to 20 per cent or so of e-commerce in PNG are currently using social media as their platform.”
Timo said there was a need to focus more on technology to make use of this in PNG.
“Technology is important for the growth of SMEs in PNG and within Apec,” he said.
“Many programmes aimed at promoting the use of technology for e-commerce are being delivered by bigger member economies such as Korea and China. All are aimed at promoting connectivity and inclusivity.
“The Government, through the Department of Commerce and Industry, has commenced the process to enact the e-commerce legislation that will provide the legal framework for e-commerce.”
Apec senior officials’ meeting chairman Ivan Pomaleu noted the importance of technology for the SMEs when speaking at the policy dialogue on the digital economy in March.
“Digital technologies are of importance to developing Apec economies such as PNG, this is because they offer the potential for rapid technological catch up in the right circumstances,” Pomaleu said.
“Access to the internet through such technologies such as smart phones provide the opportunity for engagement in the market economy, particularly by women, SMEs and businesses from remote areas.”