Soldiers-police feud to be investigated

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By Rebecca Kuku and Antoinette Poivi
AT least four police officers based at the Hohola police station were allegedly assaulted by Defence Force soldiers at around 11am yesterday, says National Capital District Metropolitan Supt Silva Sika.
He said the situation had been contained and policemen responsible would be dealt with accordingly.
“Police were on patrol in the morning and came across two women fighting after a heated argument. They happened to be soldiers’ wives. A policeman tried to stop them and separate the women. In the midst of trying to separate them one of the women sustained injuries to her face,” he said.
He said the woman claimed that one of the policemen had punched her.
“They were taken to the Hohola police station and she may have used her phone to call her husband.”
The husband, a soldier with Bravo Company, arrived with others.
“The manner in which they approached the station wasn’t good. The woman may have exaggerated her side of story that caused the soldiers to attack police officer there,” he added.
“They used fire-crackers to shoot at the policeman which they weren’t supposed to do. They assaulted the policeman who attended to the women when they were fighting.”
Sika said there were four policemen at the station at that time. Some senior officers from both forces intervened and brought them to his office.
“I have given directives to the Internal Investigation Unit to conduct investigations on the policeman involved based on the allegations by the victim,” Sika said.
Defence Minister Dr Billy Joseph said an investigation would be carried out by the military police.
“Soldiers who were involved will be identified and investigated by military police,” he said.
Acting Chief of the Defence Force Commodore Philip Polewara meanwhile issued a one-month compulsory close-camp on all military barracks.
Polewara said this was in response to the expected motion of no confidence against the Government next week.