Submit motion better: PM

Main Stories

By Rebecca Kuku
Prime Minister James Marape has offered ‘free advice’ to the Opposition who wish to move a motion of no confidence, to do so next Wednesday.
Marape said Parliament would sit for two weeks in June so those leaders wishing to submit a vote of no confidence form must do it properly with no mistakes “unlike the previous mistake-riddled three submissions in February”.
“You have only next Wednesday for the Private Business Committee to deliberate, if you want it to be on the notice paper on Thursday as the processes requires,” he said.
“Otherwise you have to do it in September when Parliament resumes.
Marape said that Papua New Guinea was a mature democracy and had experienced peaceful government contests.
“We have shown that in the last 49 years. For instance, PNG has had three successful VONC (1980 Sir Julius , 1985 Pius Wingti and 1988 Sir Rabbie) so I encourage all to think positive of PNG,” he said.
“While elected leaders juggle work and politics, my hope is that work by public service is not slowed or hampered and investors and business communities remain productive,” Marape said.
“Even if a change of Government or politics may be on the table, PNG will live on after politics, so work and confidence in PNG must remain and continue,” he said.
Marape said that the Constitutional Bills the Government would bring to this Parliament sitting included the Declaration of PNG as a Christian country (second and final readings), PNG’s Court Structure Amendments, and Proposed Amendments on vote-of-no-confidence filing attempts and the grace period for Government following a unsuccessful vote-of-no-confidence.
“The National Gold Corporation Bill 2024 will not be brought to Parliament in this sitting but we will allow further consultations, without removing the goal post of establishing a gold refinery in PNG,” he said. “The Opposition voted against declaring PNG a Christian country in the first reading in the last sitting of Parliament.
“I urge them to rethink and support this Bill for the good of the country.
“Other important bills will also be tabled.”