Solve jobs problem


STUDENTS are graduating annually in different institutions with various trades but job opportunities are very limited.
Most of them are roaming the streets of our capital towns, trying their very best to secure employment.
Why has our human resource encountered such barricaded brick walls?
Is this Government’s fault for not providing enough job opportunities for its citizens?
The Labour Department has to come up with strategies to solve this issue once and for all.
Below are my suggestions to eradicate unemployment in PNG:

  • List all the final year students at various institutions and start sending them to different organisations for job training with minimum wage;
  • Give a formal warning and penalties to any organisation that may not comply with an order of employment;
  • Export all the experienced people for hire in other countries; and
  • Create financial assistance schemes to boost informal and formal business opportunities.
  • I kindly ask anyone with creative ideas to add to these suggestions to solve unemployment problems in PNG.

Gibson Lambea Mai
Maiya Village
Southern Highlands