Sponsor commends organisers


SPONSOR Joseph Tonde has commended the organisers of the Dikoura touch and soccer competition for helping youths refrain from crime by keeping them occupied through sports in Port Moresby.
The Rainbow Missionary Homes managing director said initially, he had advised the youths — who were led by Danny Nobert — not to run the competition as he was unable to assist.
“Covid-19 was hard on everyone but I commend Danny and his team for carrying on with the competition and ending it successfully,” Tonde said.
“I told them go back to their MPs.
“But after searching everywhere for help, they came back and asked for assistance so I helped them.”
He appealed to the youths not to return to their old ways and respect the community.
“Youths protect our communities and I want a good report from this community,” Tonde said.
“Stop alcohol abuse, and respect your leaders and everyone around you.
“So far, the games here have had no bad reports.
“So I will give my support and commend all of you.
“Next year, Rainbow Missionary Homes will come in a big way.”