Stan Joyce award revealed


A NEW category known as the Stan Joyce Award was announced at the launching of the 28th SP Sports Awards at the Brew Kettle in Port Moresby yesterday.
In honour of the former of the former South Pacific Brewery managing director, the award will be presented every two years. Nominations opened yesterday and close on April 3. The National is a sponsor of the event.
The announcement, made by brewery corporate affairs manager John Nilkare Jr, signifies Joyce’s contributions since 1993.
He said among the 12 categories, the new award would recognise organisations that provided outstanding support through their continued partnership and collaboration with sports in the country.
“The new award will be presented before the team of the year is announced during the ceremony on May 30,” Nilkare said.
“Nominations for the new category will be submitted by a special panel of experts from the Papua New Guinea Olympic Committee (PNGOC), PNG Sports Foundation and SP Brewery.
PNG Olympic Committee president Sir John Dawanicura said the SP Sports Awards was a milestone event held every year to recognise the achievements of athletes and officials.
He appeal to national federations to start planning for regional and global tournaments.
“I also encourage the federations to recognise and nominate their athletes and officials for the awards,” Sir John said. Meanwhile, the finalists for each category will be announced on April 30.