State to meet LNG clans


PETROLEUM and Energy Minister Nixon Duban says the Government remains committed to dealing with grievances raised by landowners in the PNG LNG Project areas.
Duban also clarified that benefit payments for genuine landowners would be paid once a mediation or alternative dispute resolution was completed.
He warned that the process could take some time before landowners received their share from the project. Yesterday, Duban expressed disappointment that a landowner group from Hela ( Hides PDL7) bypassed his department and wrote petitions directly to Prime Minister Peter O’Neill (Aug 4) and the operator ExxonMobil (Aug 7).
He said the Department of Petroleum and Energy should not be ignored in future as it dealt with issues related to the oil and gas sector.
Duban said certain issues contained in the landowners’ petition had to be clarified, including the claim that the Government was using landowner funds as collateral to borrow funds offshore.
He further clarified that royalties of about K135 million and development levies of K135 million for landowners were parked safely in the Central Bank.
He said these funds were already allocated for landowners.
“Government has never used landowner funds as collateral to borrow from other countries,” he said.
“Development levy is about K135 million and royalty is about the same (K135 million) and cannot be touched until issues are resolved.
“We must allow the ADR process to be completed, the process must be given support to ensure it is completed and not prolonged.
“It’s not like we are denying any landowner. The ADR process needs to be clear which are genuine landowners and this process may take a while.
“We are in control of this issue. I must admit that there are other outstanding matters that have been agreed under the Kokopo agreement through the UBSA an LBSA.
“Those issues can be expressed and would be factored into the budget. We must respect such an investment by not embarking on reckless issues.
“We are sending a team to Hides tomorrow (today) led by acting Secretary for Department of Petroleum and Energy David Manau (to talk to the landowners).”