Station commander attacked


YANGORO Police Station commander Kevin Hombehoie was attacked by a drunkard armed with catapults during their New Year’s crime-prevention patrol.
East Sepik commander Albert Beli said the drunkard shot at Hombehoie, but missed him and shattered his car’s window.
Beli said Hombehoie was driving his vehicle while on patrol when he stopped to question three drunkards.
“The trio ran into the bushes and one of them fired from a catapult, but the stone missed him,” he said.
“This is unacceptable behaviour.
“The assailants are known and we will arrest and charge them.”
In another incident, Beli said a teenager was on the run after he allegedly killed Herman Ajiri with a fishing spear in Maprik on Christmas Eve.
He said the 19-year-old man, who was allegedly under the influence of alcohol, went to Ajiri’s house and speared him.
“The teenager surrendered to police, but later escaped,” he said.