Stop sending loan messages


ONE can argue that its business but I think that Digicel should stop selling credit over mobile phones for two annoying reasons.
Firstly, customers mobile phones are being used as a business promotion centre.
Every few minutes, Digicel asks customers if they want to obtain credit loans on high interest rates.
Secondly, customer’s phones are vulnerable for cunning family members or strangers to get credits loans and transfer to their mobile phones.
That leaves the burden to phone owners to repay the loans.
I have been a victim for such cases.
I have been trying to call the Digicel centre to lay a complaint but was unsuccessful.
Digicel should sell flex cards and stop sending credit loan messages.
Many educated and uneducated Papua New Guineans have been fooled into this trap by Digicel as a marketing strategy for the company to make profit.
If Digicel management cannot stop this madness, can the good minister responsible for communication and technology look into this and do something?

Gumasong Nakas Vu,
Mapos Digicel Tower


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