Stop whinging about O’Neill’s outstanding leadership

The National, Tuesday July 26th, 2016

I WANT to commend my Prime Minister Peter O’Neill for your bold leadership and for your immeasurable effort in trying to bring this country to the level that it was supposed to be 10 years ago.
We, Papua New Guineans, seem to be whinging a lot about you and your government but haven’t really paused for a moment to reflect upon how your leadership has put PNG before the eyes of the global family as an upcoming developing nation that is determine to expand in terms of development and trade.
Political stability is one of the most important recipes for any country’s economic development and growth thus I would very much like that to be consistent in my home country.
Forgive me if I am wrong but I really think there was no need for a vote of no confidence that took place last Friday.
There was also no need for the student boycotts and civil unrest to tarnish the reputation of this beautiful nation of unlimited investment potentials.
I challenge everyone in PNG to be patient with the O’Neill Government and let our good prime minister complete his mandated term in office.
You never know what you have got till it’s gone.

Peter Sam, Via email

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