Strict on hygiene, social distancing


MAPEX Training Institute (MTI) resumed classes yesterday with strict emphasis on hygiene and social distancing, its executive director Marcus Kara says.
Kara told Port Moresby campus students that daily temperature checks for students and staff would continue and face masks and gloves would be provided as well.
“Any student who does not follow the safety measures put in place will be terminated,” he warned.
He said MTI had used its own funds, about K10,000, to pay for hand sanitisers, face masks, and gloves for students and staff.
“We want to set an example for other institutions in the country by following the state of emergency directives,” he said.
Kara said a room in the school would be set aside as a quarantine facility for students and staff who were not feeling well.
“This is for only for us to monitor those are not feeling well, but we will seek help from authorities if they are experiencing severe the Covid-19 symptoms,” he said.
He said other MTI campuses in the country would carry out similar practices.