Student: Women have rights


NATIONAL Women’s Day should remind everyone of their constitutional obligations to accord women and girls their rights to life, liberty and equality to participate in the country’s development, Kopkop College head girl Grace Kila says.
“It reminds us of our moral obligation to respect and honour our mothers, sisters, aunties, grandmothers, women colleagues and leaders we look up to,” she said.
“We celebrate because to strengthen the foundation upon which love and care are expressed and they are examples of resilience, perseverance and sacrifice.
“Papua New Guinea is still male-dominated society but slowly women are making inroads into male dominated careers.
“We celebrate the achievements of women doctors, engineers, teachers, pilots, lawyers, managers and accountants.
“Most importantly, we celebrate the equality we sense and see in our school, where girls are treated with respect and are given the opportunity to reach their academic potential.”
Kila spoke at her college’s Women’s Day with a drama to improve violence and all forms of abuse against women and girls.
She said dramas drew attention on the need to put away the mindset that demeans all women and girls.
“It means we are burying these biased thoughts.”