Support needed to complete health post


NEED support from Jiwaka Governor Dr William Tongamp and North Waghi MP Dr Fabian Pok assist complete the Kulamp community health post.
I started the project with my own money.
Last year, I received K20,000 from Dr Pok and another K10,000 from the Jiwaka health authority.
We only need roofing iron sheets and v-crimp.
Everything else is complete.
I appeal to Pok and the health authority as well as Tongamp to assist us with some funds so that we can deliver this vital project to the people.
I do not want to see the timbers rotting away after being exposed to the weather for too long.
I also gave away three permanent houses under the health centre project.
One of the completed houses is occupied by John Bige, a community health worker who is currently attending to emergencies and other minor cases.
The Kulamp community health post project has been recognised by the Jiwaka health authority as a level 2 facility which requires three health workers.
Ideally located near the main Mombol River and on a large piece of land, the facility, once completed, will serve five wards – Tolu 1, Kendu 1, Kuiona 1, Dumbola 1, and Molka 2, which comprises of the Tsenglap, KNK and Bambilnge tribes.
There is also a major need to work on the road, which is about 4km.
This is a community initiated project.
I am very thankful to our people of Kulamp for their support.
But we need Government support as well as donors or non-government organisations and interested individuals to get this project off the ground as it will serve around 10-15,000 people.
Other potential beneficiaries of this health project would be the Kolki Wolku Bottom-up Primary School, Kamal Primary School, a wet factory situated close to the health centre and various church groups.

David Gelu
Kulamp village
Kendu 1 Ward, North Waghi