Support our medical professionals


PAPUA New Guinea is suffering from a poor health system.
The number of local medical specialists in our country has been declining over the years and that trend is most likely to remain.
Areas that need special attention are urology, oncology, radiology, neurosurgery, cardiology and physiotherapy.
I can recall the late Dr Terry Maino, who was described as a country’s brilliant young cardiologist when he passed away after a short illnesses earlier this year.
PNG needs more specialty doctors such as Dr Maino.
While the gap is still huge and the demand continues to increase, the Government with the absolute interest and care, cannot turn a blind eye on this problem.
People’s health is of paramount interest.
People need better and quality health services.
Where on this world can you expect someone to just step in to assist in your businesses for free?
This is not going to be an easy ride.
I believe what the Government is doing now is pumping millions of kina on a programme that has been going on since 2002 to hire medical teams from the Chinese government including other medical teams from the United States, Australia and other countries.
Can the Government assist our local doctors to pursue their masters and doctorate degrees to study overseas and bring back the services?
Why not sponsor top-performing medical students to further their studies at universities all around the world through scholarships?

Misack Adam Ruri
Student, UPNG


  • Youngman that’s the way forward. Otherwise the government and its PHAs and hospitals administrations will talk up World Class Healthcare Buildings without Worldclass Doctors and Nurses.

    For those of us who came out of our own ways and tried helping building capacities in trainings and mentoring and signposting training opportunities for doctors and nurses in PNG at own own costs, it has been a hard road in overcoming beuracratic red tapes and jealousy even among our very own medical professionals.

    Leslie Bahn Kawa

    NHS Doctor England

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