Sustainable partnerships needed, says official


IN order to have more women in Government, there must be an environment created to sustain partnerships (with male leaders), says an official.
Bougainville Education Minister Theonila Roka-Matbob shared the view during the last day of a diagnostic forum for women yesterday.
She was joined by Primary Industries and Marine Resources Minister Geraldine Paul, Deputy Speaker Therese Kaetavara and Member for Mahari Constituency Carolyn Poli from the Bougainville Goverment.
“Leadership at the end of the day, boils down to the governance structure that we have, I think the biggest challenge that we have is as we evolve as a nation, I really want to make sure that we influence our education system,” she said.
“Looking at the challenges we have in the world today, whether in a successful nation or struggling one, it all boils down to the way we are providing education.
“I want to learn from PNG and design the Bougainville government system in a way that is more suitable and contextualises the culture.”