Tax credit scheme on hold: Maru

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NATIONAL Planning and Monitoring Minister Richard Maru says the tax credit scheme has been suspended.
Responding to questions from Komo-Magarima MP Manasseh Makiba, Maru said there was a national consultation on the tax credit scheme looking at the new recommendations.
“At the moment, the tax credit scheme has been suspended over a number of issues that have been raised,” he said.
“One of them is that the projects have no input from governors and Members of Parliament. The other issue is that the funds have been used outside the areas of the project impact areas.
“(For) a lot of the contracts awarded, there is no transparency in the way they are managed. Therefore we are now doing a review,” Maru said.
He called on MPs, companies involved and stakeholders to attend the national consultation on tax credit scheme next Friday.
“We will have a national consultation on tax credit and the way we should reform the tax credit.
“And I’ll be looking forward to imports from all the members and governors and stakeholders to attend the national review.
“So let’s look at how we have done it in the past and the way we should reform the tax credit scheme and also bring to the cabinet the new set of recommendations on the way we should manage tax credit and make sure we have maximum impact.”