Thank you Dr Matui


THANK you Constitutional Law Reform Commission secretary Dr Mange Matui for his comments in The National on Friday: ‘Loopholes in tax law looked at’.
It is time the Government reviewed the taxation policy?
Some people are not paying taxes over the years. Many are paying taxes through goods, wages and salaries. Wage and salary earners cannot survive for two weeks.
What they do is to go to market mamas for dinau to sustain themselves.
If there is no review of taxation policies, then uplift the salary and wage ranges so that consumers can overcome the inflation.
We are in poverty because of these factors.
Social issues are high because of poverty.
People cannot afford school fees because of poverty.
People are living in bush materially houses because of poverty.
There are many more issues to mention.
Policy makers seem to turn a blind eye on these issues.
The population is increasing and we need to change policies.

PNG Citizen,
Sepik Maira, Conzii