Thank you Soloma for South Gimi Road


THE people of South Gimi thank Okapa MP Saki Soloma and his executive officer Warren Werry for the upgrading of the once-forgotten South Gimi Road. The initiative is of significant importance to the communities who were neglected for decades.
The South Gimi Road, which has winding terraces and runs through bending cliffs with fast flowing rivers, makes it impossible for vehicles to pass through.
The road has been covered by overgrown bushes.
People take shortcuts to the main bus stops either through the Haga or the Keafu junction.
The walking distance to reach the main road from Paigatasa and Amusi villages take about four to six hours of walking.
People from the lower Gimi area may take more than six hours to travel.
Many people lack basic road services and South Gimi people are no exception.
Transporting coffee bags, coffins, store goods and building materials have been dreary and burdensome for the people for decades.
This has forced people to sustain themselves by building their own schools and aid posts but they still lack road access.

Maru Igabi