Time not right for Dame Carol to retire

Letters, Normal

The National, Thursday 09th Febuary 2012

I COMMEND the bold move by Dame Carol Kidu to disassociate from the former coalition and make a bold stand as opposition leader in the desolate and lonely corner of the opposition bench whilst others have abandoned their posts.
Being the only female member of parliament and a very vocal warrior and champion for the hapless cause of women in PNG, her move as the “solitary” leader of the opposition was very intelligent, wise and heroic.
She has made it known that she would like to retire and would not be standing in the coming election.
But the truth of the matter is this, Dame Carol: You know as well as I do that if you were to retire, there would not be any woman with as large a heart as yours and feet to fit into your shoes.
In short, there is a possibility that there will not be a single woman MP if she were to retire this year.
So this SOS is for her to reconsider her decision to retire from politics.
The other important point is the women’s bill currently floating in parliament is an insult to the intelligence, integrity and dignity of all women.
It portrays women as the weaker sex in a competitive environment.
It is championed by a few self-ser­ving women hanging around the corridors of power in Waigani.
All one has to do is merely to ask any of our “women professionals” how they got to the top.
The answer is working their guts out, burning the midnight oil and drinking umpteen cups of coffee just to pass their examinations so that they too can earn an equal footing, respect and recognition among their male counterparts in a very competitive male-dominated work environment.
They were not handed on a silver platter in the manner this bill is propo­sing to do.
Conviction, patience, commitment, perseverance and hard work are some of the virtues one must have if one wants to become successful.
Our dreams can be realised 10 years or so from now, but not today.
The women’s bill, in its present form, is baseless and faceless, and must be thrown out as it defeats the cause and purpose.
Dr Kristoffa Robert Ninkama