Time to fully take control of our country


OUR land has been proclaimed by the Germans and British as independent protectorate states of Papua and New Guinea respectively at the flag raising ceremony held at the Port Moresby colonial administrative centre in 1884.
The northern part of the island of New Guinea was administered by German New Guinea company, a business entity who administered our homeland for five years.
In fact, the company’s motive was to utilise our fertile soil with our ancestors to produce enough copra, cocoa, sugar and other natural commodities to meet its demands.
The entity’s goals and ambitions didn’t work out the way they expected which caused the company to leave the administration to the hands of the German government in 1888.
While these was happening in German New Guinea, British Papua was going through some cruel times.
Women and girls were forced to expose or uncover the upper part of their waist while males were forbidden to enter administrative centres unless they were granted a passage pass from a colonial authority.
The whites have systematically moulded our reasoning capability to perceive the whites as someone of superior race, rank, being, and creature, with more power over other races.
The British Papua was handed to Australia when she was granted independence in 1906 from the British.
German New Guinea was seized by the Australians around WWI.
The Australia New Guinea Administrative Unit (Angau) was established under the United Nations affirmation in 1922 and lived through WWII under Australia’s administration.
With the merged administration, the Australians took ultimate control over our soil and waters.
Many of our forefathers had lost their lives during the war.
Only a few were recognised and were honoured as the Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels.
Regardless of the cruelty experienced by the natives, the whites enjoyed their lives by utilising our resources for their benefit while looking at our ancestors as mere puppets.
They perceived our forefathers as easy to influence and control.
They delayed our chances of self-governance.
We appreciate the whites despite the mistreatments.
What is gone cannot be taken back.
It is time for us to fully take control of our country.
There will never be another time because our natural resources are depreciating annually.
Happy birthday inhabitants of the richest black nation in the southern hemisphere!

Pett- Khay
UPNG BH2O citizen

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