Time to change mindsets


ON this day 45 years ago, a young man led this multicultural nation to independence.
In celebrations, we pay homage to those who have contributed to this achievement.
PNG’s struggle for prosperity and progress is deeply rooted in its diversity.
Our diversity is a coin of two sides; curse and blessing.
Our diversity’s curse is reflected by our country’s political leadership.
Our diversity has been the source of our democracy.
PNG’s diversity is the fabric that the bilum of its democracy is knitted from.
Unity walk for equality is the new cry to rally against a new enemy that threatens our cultural norms, values and morals.
How will PNG allow its women to freely express their education in the development of this country that is mostly a male-dominated society?
Christianity is the only hope to enable this.
As a teacher, I believe we hold an immense power to make a paradigm shift in the mindset of the future generations.
This role is not limited only to teachers but extends to parents who are the first teachers.

Jackson Korave
Tambul Secondary School