Time to show Lapiso the main exit

Letters, Normal

I support the letter “Lapiso must be sacked” (The National, May 24) by Iosef Sineyal.
Lahanis will not win the coveted title even if they make it to the grand final simply because there is no motivation from Himmony Lapiso and his cohorts.
He does not even stay with the players when he travels with them. 
Let’s take a trip back to 2007 when the Lahanis made it to the grand final against Mendi Muruks.
After the final match, both teams were invited to attend a dinner which many Lahanis fans are not aware of. 
The Muruks went to the dinner with all their team management, wearing one set of attire for the night from head to toe looking smart, while the Goroka Lahanis players attended the dinner at Crowne Plaza looking like boys from the settlement. 
Even the guards had to ask the players who they were because they were wearing all sorts of outfits that failed to indicate they were Lahanis players. 
While the players were lost at Crowne Plaza, Lapiso was in his hotel room at Weigh Inn instead of being with the players.
Last year, when Lahanis beat Vipers in the major playoffs in Port Moresby, the players were treated to a dinner of sandwich and cordial by Lapiso. 
You call this reward?
After the so-called dinner, several players were seen squatting outside Weigh Inn eating lamb flaps sold by street vendors.
Lapiso does not have any leadership qualities to lead an outstanding team like Lahanis.
He also does not know how to motivate his players. 
It is time for him to be shown the exit.
He has been using the Lahanis to pursue his own agenda.
I call on franchise owners John and Simon Sia to seriously review his position.

Lahanis supporter   
Via email