Transfer of powers seen as bertter for schools


THE Papua New Guinea Teachers’ Association is calling on the Department of Education to transfer operational powers to the National Capital District Education Division soon.
In 2016, an agreement was signed between the department and NCD Governor Powes Parkop to have the functions given to the division.
PNGTA general secretary Ugwailubu Mowana said this should help NCD schools manage issues such as infrastructure development, and the division should be able to manage teachers’ housing and leave fares which are at the moment managed by the department.
“Papua New Guinea Teachers’ Association supports the government for decentralisation,” Mowana said. “I call for the transfer to be made before June. Functions of National Capital District have been a problem.
“I have learnt that in 2016 and 2017 the National Capital District Education Division had very little money with which to operate.
Mowana said there should be enough classrooms for students and enough houses for teachers.
He said last year’s leave-fare entitlements were not paid in full.
“I call on National Capital District assistant secretary and deputy assistant secretary to come out and explain why NCD teachers were not given full entitlements.”
Mowana said the union would meet NCD teachers to address housing issues, leave-fare entitlements, overcrowding in classrooms and school infrastructures.