Trukai taking relaxation of Covid-19 restrictions cautiously


TRUKAI Industries Limited is taking the relaxation of Covid-19 pandemic restrictions cautiously in terms of its business, says chief executive officer Alan Preston.
Responding to questions from The National, Preston said the company was concerned about the second and third waves in other countries around the world.
Preston said countries like China, Australia, New Zealand and others had been hit with second and third waves.
“While Papua New Guinea is out of that first wave, my business optimism is low,” Preston said.
“We have done a little bit of downsizing in line with demands have shrunk.
“What we need to see is demand recover and stay recovered for maybe six months before I’m optimistic that it is behind us.”
Preston said of the overall performance of the company, it is looking forward to a good finish to the year and heading into strong year in 2021.
He said there were also a new range of projects and products in the pipeline for the company.
“We have got quite a lot of new projects on growing rice in Papua New Guinea and a raft of new products designed exclusively for Papua New Guinea.
“It is happening and every day, you hear about other countries that have been Covid free having another burst in infections.”
Preston said the outlook for the next 12 to 24 months cautious with the economy trying to recover which was hard for the government and for businesses.