Truth of the matter

Letters, Normal

The National, Tuesday 31st January 2012

FOOD security is about people having access to affordable food, including rice.
It is not necessarily about growing food.
We all like the convenience or rice but that does not make us food secure.
Secondly, rice consumption is only 10% of our kaukau production.
PNG already grows plenty of food to go around – it is the infrastructure that is missing to share it around.
I wonder why the government would ask the country and the people to pay more for rice in order to fund a high risk project with expected low yields which may or may not even work.
Then we are giving control to one person to import all the rice he wants, free of tariffs and therefore make as much profits as he wants.
The deal with Naima gives control of rice to one company before we have the opportunity to plant any rice crops.

Joseph Kila
Boroko, NCD