Uni to host death penalty debate

National, Normal

The National, Wednesday July 10th, 2013

 THE Divine Word University is preparing to host a national debate on capital and corporal punishments next month.

While most of the planning is under way, university president Fr Jan Czuba is inviting speakers of high calibre to register their interest and send in abstracts.

Czuba said the national debate was an important event that would provide an avenue for discussions on the relevance of capital and corporal punishment in PNG.

“Capital punishment already exists, however, we just lack instruments to have it implemented,” he said.

He said it was important to have views from speakers representing interest groups while notable participants such as cabinet members would ensure the outcomes were presented to the Government.

Justice Minister and Attorney-General Kerenga Kua was advised of the proposed debate and formally invited. MPs who spoke against the death penalty are expected to attend.