UPNG students need to change


I WANT to correct misconceptions regarding students’ capabilities in the University of PNG (UPNG).
Many of us have worked hard to get into UPNG.
We’ve been taught civics and ethics and we know what is right and what isn’t.
Students should not tolerate any inappropriate behaviour.
Instead of blaming the male students, let’s work together to address our issues.
The harassment of female students mostly happen near a certain female residential area near two male dormitories.
These three dormitories accommodate second to final year students.
Just last Thursday night, during a drunken brawl among male students, some female students were cheering and encouraging the drunk male students.
How can you encourage that behaviour?
For change to happen, everyone must put in the work.
For the perpetrators who have harassed our sisters and female colleagues, bring in the police to deal with them if our own Uniforce cannot do anything.
Harassment is disgraceful and unbecoming of intellectual.
No male student should support harassment.
From the words of Albert Einstein ‘‘the world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.’’
By doing nothing, you’re supporting the bad behaviour.
Change cannot happen unless everyone is made aware of it and are willing to accept it.
