Use other term to express desire


I WILL have to correct the prime minister in saying that PNG should focus on being economically independent or that Bougainville should aspire economic independence rather than talking about political independence.
In my view, an economically independent nation would have everything.
It should be rich in human recourses as well as its natural resources.
It should not trade with any other nation since it has everything.
There is no country in the world that does not trade with any other independent State. Even developed countries trade with each other to get what they cannot produce in their own countries.
The United States buys oil from the Middle East. Its economically reliant on other countries.
It is therefore not economically independent because it still buys from other countries what it does not produce internally.
Perhaps the Prime Minister should use a different term and not “economic independence” to express his desire for PNG to improve its economy to achieve fiscal self-reliance for PNG.
The prime minister should not confuse Bougainvilleans with this new concept, called “economic independence”.
Rather, he should tell Bougainvilleans that they will be at liberty to choose their political status in three months’ time-whether they vote for Independence or Greater Autonomy.

Aita Sananpe

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