VC: University has Covid-19 plan in place


THE University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) has created a Covid-19 plan in the event that the virus should reach the country, says Vice-Chancellor Prof Frank Griffin.
“You will all be aware that the coronavirus (Covid-19) is causing much anxiety worldwide,” he said in a statement.
“It is a matter of great concern for us here in Papua New Guinea even though, as yet, there have been no cases of the virus confirmed.
Prof Griffin said senior management of the university had taken this matter seriously and had produced a Covid-19 virus threat university business continuity plan.
“With this plan, we seek to ensure that the university is as well-prepared as possible should Covid-19 becomes a reality here in Port Moresby.”
Prof Griffin said the Covid-19 plan came in stages with the first stage where the country was, in presently, which recognised that PNG was in the pre-confirmation phase of a national threat (the Government’s code green).
“We are adopting an attitude of watchful waiting, we have also identified an emergency management group and are ensuring that we have the necessary strategy and materials to take appropriate public health measures and can appropriately to manage and organise our campuses,” he said.
“Online training by the World Health Organisation is being organised for our health services staff.
“All staff travel outside Port Moresby which is also not deemed essential, is now being discouraged.”
Griffin said the second stage was when the first confirmed case had been identified in the country but the risk of it spreading remained low.
He said normal business will continue but he would encourage increased attention to hygiene.