Vendors establish committee


LOCAL vendors in Vanimo, West Sepik, have established a committee that can help address concerns and challenges they have, thanks to the establishment of Vanimo Urban Vendors Association.
The association formed on Monday, comes under the UN Women’s Meri Project that aims to provide opportunities for vendors to realise that they can make a difference by working together.
Vanimo-Green community development officer Elijah Kilis said the association would act as a mouthpiece for vendors in Vanimo to support vendors’ economic empowerment, physical and environments safety and to have control over their income.
“Local vendors in Vanimo Urban of West Sepik have embraced the opportunity and initiatives provided by UN Women Meri project to work together to advocate on issues affecting street vendors, market vendors and others who make living through the micro economy,” she said.
“Key issues affecting vendors included lack of support from local and provincial government through capacity building programmes and other issues.”