Veteran hooker Puara backs new players for 2022


VETERAN rake Wartovo Puara Jr is confident of the new crop of SP Hunters playmakers for next season in the Hostplus Cup (formerly Queensland Intrust Super Cup) despite the loss of key halves.
“We lost a few experienced players, but we have a great coaching staff,” he said of 2021 playmakers Ase Boas and Charlie Simon.
“I’m sure former National Rugby League and English Super League player Paul Aiton and Matthew Church will have our new halves prepared for the new season.
“The only thing players should do now is for us to understand what the coaching trying to do with the squad during the pre-season.
“We have a lot of talents in the squad and the players are bonding well.
“We all want to achieve something good next year.”
Wartovo said the Hunters were now familiar with living and playing an entire season away in Queensland, so it would not be an excuse for next year’s campaign.
“It was always the case this year,” he said.
“But we’re not going to use that as an excuse.
“We have to be responsible and accountable for how we play.
“We’re working hard with the management to improve next year.
“The game changes every year and you can see that in the National Rugby League (Australia’s premier rugby league competition).