Villagers in Hela told to stop fighting to allow in services

A youth at Benaria, Komo-Margarima among Hela people on Saturday bringing pork to guests for a meal. – Nationalpic by PETER ESILA

HELA Governor Phillip Undialu has urged Benaria Valley villagers in Komo-Margarima to stop tribal fights so that services can reach them.
The police and Defence Force in Hela are expected to destroy several surrendered guns in Tari today in a ceremony.
Undialu told villagers in Benaria on Saturday during Mineral Resources Development Company’s announcement of K3.76 million equity and royalty payments for PNG LNG Segment 2 and 3 pipeline landowners.
“This gas pipeline is a blessing, do not buy guns or bullets with this money, it is God’s blessing, use it properly,” the governor said.
“I ask Benaria, I want to see your guns.
“If you want development to reach you, give me your guns and let’s burn them.
“For three years, there were tribal fights so I did not come.”
Undialu accompanied Mineral Resources Development Company managing director Augustine Mano, Petroleum Minister Kerenga Kua, Gulf Governor Chris Haiveta, local MP Manasseh Makiba and Department of Petroleum and Energy secretary David Manau and delegates who visited remote Benaria.
He said the visit showed that there was peace in the valley and people wanted change in the community.
Undialu presented a 10-seater vehicle to the community to help them, committed an ambulance and deposited K500,000 towards fixing the roads.
He said he would continue his strong call with PNG LNG developer ExxonMobil to help fix the roads.
He said more money, 30 per cent of the Community Infrastructure Trust Funds, and another 30 per cent of future trust funds under the Oil and Gas Act, were some of the funds that could be used for infrastructure.